
Ngaere Triump Cheese Factory

 I don't get to Stratford much lately but it happened to be a lovely day this week when we passed this historic dairy on the way there. I had taken a great picture of it many years ago but can't find it so have been wanting another one.

The Ngaere (pronounced Nie-ree) Co-operative Dairy Factory was formed in 1893 and built in 1894 to make cheese. 'Triumph' was the brand name of the cheese that was exported. It closed in 1977. 
You can click here for more history on this lovely  place.

If you'd like to see the old dairies that we have found over the years, click here!


local alien said...

Classic NZ scenery. Snowy mountain , green grass and a picturesque building. Lovely

Michelle said...

This is a lovely photo. A stunning view!

kiwimeskreations said...

Such typical architecture of the time for a factory, Betty - and a stunning photo also