
The last chapter of Patheticat

As many of you know, Bubba, aka Patheticat, has a penchant for disappearing. And then reappearing at our old house. The kind lady next door would call and let us know he was there.

Well, he did it again. He was missing for over 3 weeks and we figured where he was but didn't know what to do to keep him here if we brought him back. So we sadly decided to leave him be and if he wanted to come back to this house, he'd be smart enough to do that. 

And, sure enough, the kind neighbor lady called. He was there. She had him in her garage. We decided to make a half-hearted attempt--just in case he really did want to come home--so Missy and I went to collect him. Surprisingly enough, and completely differently from the other times, he had been eating well and didn't look sad and bony. I guess he has this 'roaming' thing figured out!

So, we did the honorable thing and asked the new tenants of our old house if they would adopt him and they said 'yes'. And another chapter of our life closes.

And, as one door closes, another opens. Hubby and Missy saw a small ad at the grocery store for a ginger cat who needs a home...

Meet Phred the Ginger Ninja. I'm not sure he even knows he has a name yet, but he is our new addition. To our relief, he is much more tolerant of people than Bubba was and the kids get to handle him all they want.


southseaislandhome said...

And what a beautiful pussy he is. I adore ginger cats!

chitra said...

Nice pose ,,very relaxed and comfortable on the couch

Connie said...

Phred looks right at home, and very relaxed (although, I know you have to be careful around Ninja cats, they're always plotting something, even when they look all cute and innocent). Sorry about patheicat - it seems he had his own ideas about where he wanted to be.

Arti said...

what princely pose.. the eyes look very menacing indeed!!!

Jennifer AKA keewee said...

He will be a fine addition to your home. He sure looks as though he settled right in.

And Then Kate said...

You just know that he just knows that he's a good-lookin' cat.

Marja said...

Oh what a beauty Good luck with your new family member

Anonymous said...

Ah - a happy ending for all involved!