
Juke Box music

I got this in an email last week and thought it was 'really cool, daddyo!'

It's originally from upchucky.com with great music for the...ahem...older generation! Enjoy!


chitra said...

I listened to two or three. They simple and cool

Aimz said...

Gotta love older music :-)

Bitsa Lit said...

oh man! i love this post!
at the moment Im on a Tina Turner and Cher kick....I cant get them out of my head!

Thanks for commenting as well! I know what you mean about ignorence....
do you ever just get angry about it though... I know i do..

<3 Em

Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Just loved this, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Ah, nothing takes you back like the music of your youth! This was fun! Thanks for sharing!

FranE said...

Interesting. I received the same email. It is fun. I have a tendency
to forget which era.

Sandy said...

Very cool! Don't you love these sites?!