
Birthday walk

Our family went for a walk in the national preserve around Mt Taranaki/Mt Egmont yesterday on my birthday.  I find it amazing how tropical it all appeared at this time of year.


Connie said...

OH! Green green green!!! I miss the green!! :) Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi, yup and oh so green! love the pictures, i guess it's time for us to walk about too and take some pics, autumn colours are coming :)

Nice blog i enjoy reading them.

That is the chicken said...

Happy Birthday for yesterday!
These are fascinating pictures! I really enjoyed browsing your blog...you live in an amazing place. I loved your black and white blog too!
Thanks for dropping in on mine!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Happy Birthday,

Do you feel a bit strang when you had a spring birthday in USA and now, you have an autumn one?



Unknown said...

Happy Birthday,
The photo nice,all of them.Thanks for the visit of my world.

Bitsa Lit said...

happy birthday! I tried to post a few days ago but my computer was messed up! Hope all went well! :)

Maggie May said...

What great photos. Very tranquil.

muthu said...

nice snaps with a pretty good green......

post more..... and hey i have written a few short stories in my blog, I would love you read them and comment on them. thanks..

Anonymous said...

I lived in Wellington and backpacked through New Zealand for a short time last year and it was truly the most inspirational time of my life. I miss it every day. Thank you for sharing your new life there!

Judanna said...

Great pictures, NZ is a most beautiful place. Thanks for sharing the beauty. ^j^