
The things you learn....

You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone...

For the last 48 hours, we have been without power. That includes no water, since our water supply is rainwater and we have an electric pump. I had to keep reminding myself that other people are in much worse shape than we were.

We were able to get take-out takeaways and went to the local swimming pool for a shower and a dip. This is how we made coffee:

I have to say that I did some of that cleaning that you never find time to do along with some reading, mostly short stories  and some gardening. I also took lots of photos but couldn't look at them until the power came back on :)

The hard part was making sure you have a light of some sort everywhere you went after dark, even  just to go pee in the middle of the night, cuz it gets DARK at our house except for moonlight.

We had an upright freezer full of meat that I just couldn't bring myself to check on because I just knew it was all soggy. Fortunately, on the second day, Hubby insisted that we check and I was totally wrong!  It was all still frozen! I have to call that a miracle, as our closest neighbor lost ALL the meat in his freezer. Since we weren't sure how long we'd be without power, Hubby's boss said it was OK to take it to work to put in the freezer there as long as we needed it. What a great guy!

Of course, all of this happening just before we are off on holiday made things a little stressful but it will be a bit more relaxing to get away.

But, all is well. We have power, I can do laundry, life is good.


Cynthia said...

Is that because of the cyclone? I understand the problems caused by those! I live in coastal South Carolina, U.S. So we have hurricanes which are the same thing. I'll have to look back through your blog and see if I can discover where in the Midwest you moved from and when. I have always wanted to travel there.

This N That said...

Goodness!! And I just finished calling our Electric company for the fourth time because a street light is out..Guess I'm lucky.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

You do appreciate those little things you take for granted after a power outage. So glad to hear you didn't lose your freezer food. The hardest thing is going without running water. We have well water and have the same problem with the pump not able to work without electricity. Enjoy your holiday! x K

Hetty said...

At these moments we have to realize that there are only 24 hours between modern civilization and back to the stone age! I am glad the power is on again! Groetjes,

John said...

Know what a downer power loss can be. Glad you are back in business

likeschocolate said...

Glad you didn't lose your meat. That can be so expensive. Crazy weather all around. My cousins lives in a seaside community and they had flooding this winter and then I have a friend who lives in Kentucky and the town flooded sinking their boat. Most importantly glad you are ok.

Andrea said...

Oh what happened that you lost your electricity! I didn't know it also happens there. It always happen here with us in the province because when it gets very windy before a typhoon some branches touch the wires that most of the time the tranformer explodes. It takes sometime before linemen repair them. And that goes more often during strong typhoons. Oh Life!

Pat Tillett said...

You really "really don't know what you got 'til it's gone."
We occasionally have an outage, but they don't last too long. Because of that I'm sure we are woefully under prepared.

Amy Johnson said...

It's amazing how creative we can be when we have to! That's awesome about your meat!