
Just a few things that cross my mind

I blog for my friends to keep up with my new life and have only discovered the addicting side of blogging about a month ago.  So I was very pleasantly surprised when I found that I was listed as a nominee for POTD on authorblog!   Thanks, Dave.

The Maori's have 4 seats in Parliment here in NZ.  There are many Maori names of towns and rivers and mountains.  Most welcome signs to towns are in English and Maori. There are several Maori tv stations. I wonder how that would play out in America with all the Native American dialects...*shudder*
Students get free dental care through the 8th grade here.

I never in a million years thought I'd ever drive a Mitsubishi.  Heck, I didn't know they made station wagons until we bought one!  That goes for Fuji Cameras, too.  Not the station wagon part.

I've lost a few pounds lately, but don't know exactly how much.  I'm too cheap to pay $30 for a scale, knowing they aren't over $10 in Topeka (or thereabouts, before I left), so my plan is to pop into the doctor's clinic and sneak a weigh there.  Or maybe I can just be content knowing I'm getting lighter.

I wonder occasionally what US TV lineups are like.  Here we have lots of BBC stuff and I am actually glad for a lot of it.  Of course, years ago I had to watch it on PBS to get a good dose of English humor.  But I do enjoy an occasional 'Vicar of Dibley' or 'Waiting for God' and there is plenty of 'Dr. Who'.

The Discovery Channel is through Australia, so there's a lot of English stuff, which is cool.  And there's quite a bit of WWII stuff on History Channel--not quite as exciting.

But, I have to admit that I have learned a lot of English history, which is quite fascinating.  I'm more than a little embarassed that I wasn't taught more of it in school.


Paula said...

I cannot imagine leaving Kansas and going all the way to NZ...

Karin said...

Got seismologist nephew in Wellington! He loves it there! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Interesting post on all the purple veggies!

the walking man said...

The Maori, one of, if not the oldest culture in extent. Fascinating stuff you learn on the way from there to there.

Allegro ma non troppo said...

When I visited NZ, there were some fantastic ads for bacon on the tv all the time. I remember laughing hysterically and thinking what a cool country to have these ads...

Anonymous said...

I'd love to visit NZ someday. What kind of a culture shock was that?