
All Saints, Uruti

Each town has a memorial to the fallen in the Great Wars.

Uruti is a settlement 34 km north-east of Waitara at the junction of the flood-prone Urutī and Mimi streams. Urutī was the first place in New Zealand to have a backblocks (rural) district nurse, in 1909. The 2003 movie The Last Samurai was filmed in the Urutī valley.h ttps://teara.govt.nz/en/taranaki-places/page-1

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No more house sitting!

 Just before the lockdown, we found a lovely house to rent.
It was built in the 1970's and seems like a show-home!

I believe everything is still original. The built-in oven has
dials that light up when you turn it on! And the built-in range
top has identical round knobs.

The owner, who died about 18 months ago, had quite a green
thumb. These are some of the many roses that are still blooming
(it's autumn here, so they are probably the last). 
I'm wondering what will come up in
the spring, it's exciting to think about the possibilities!

We also have a small orchard with delicious pears
and apples and plums.

I feel so blessed. It's a great place to be for the lockdown.