One of the greatest evangelists of our time has gone to be with the Lord.
Published Wednesday, April 27, 2011 8:30 PM

David Wilkerson
David Wilkerson — founder ofTeen Challenge which has its South Carolina headquarters in Georgetown County — has passed away.
Charisma Online reports Wilkerson died Wednesday in an automobile accident in Texas.
Wilkerson founded Times Square Church in New York City and was the focus of the book and movie The Cross and the Switchblade.
Wilkerson founded Teen Challenge in 1960. The goal of Teen Challenge is to help troubled youth and adults, particularly those with life-controlling problems due to drugs or alcohol.
Over five decades, the Christ-centered Teen Challenge program has consistently shown one of the world's highest success rates, according to the organization’s website.
The organization’s only facility in South Carolina is on a 45 acre tract in the Yauhannah area of Georgetown County.
It has a dorm that houses up to 20 men which opened last year.
The first building, used as an office and counseling facility was dedicated in 2005. There is also a classroom building.
S.C. Teen Challenge Director Wayne Powell said he has “so many memories” of Wilkerson and “so many lives” have been changed through his ministry. “
We will move on from here because there is a cause that is bigger than us and that is the way he would have it,” Powell said.