
Stepping back in time

When we moved to this house, it seems to me that we took a step forward and went back in time. The step forward was getting away from feeling uncomfortable in our own home--no direct sunlight except 2 hours before dusk, yapping little dogs, howling big dogs, music and noises through our thin walls, fences with prying eyes, foot traffic past the house that didn't make sense. For the record, we only moved there because we were put in a huge, immediate financial bind. It was an affordable roof over our heads and I am grateful for that.

The step back in time is a whole 'nother story! The house is probably 60 years old or more, but it's solid. The windows are modern (most of them, anyway) and the sun can actually shine into them all day long.

The only real 'noise' is a train in the distance several times a day, occasional tractors and other farm vehicles, the wind whistling through the hills, cows lowing now and then and birds chirping in the trees and fields. Such wonderful rural bliss!

Being that we don't live within any city limits, our mailing address is 'RD'--rural delivery--which usually brings to mind the old show 'Mayberry RFD' whenever I see it on an envelope. (So now you can think of me when you watch the old shows!) And, for the first time since I've been here, I have to have a night light on for my nighttime potty runs. It's pitch black without it. I love it.

We have a fireplace for heat in the living room lounge which shares a wall with our bedroom so we get the maximum use of it. Hubby taught me how to tend it when I need it during the day--hey, I was brought up outside Chicago, we had central heat--and it certainly saves on the power bill. I'm kinda enjoying keeping it going during the day and watching it at night. I can't imagine having it as the only heat source, but I guess you'd get used to it. Frankly, I think I'd have to sleep beside the fire in winter if that's all the heat there was!

The land agent told us that we can pay for a 'rubbish run' if we need it, but I don't think we will. I'm very happy to have the compost, recycle and trash burn stuff all organized separately. The only other thing to consider is cans that are not aluminum but the farm-share managers take care of that.

As I mentioned before, we (by that I mean Hubby) are getting bulbs planted for some springtime color. I can't wait! It's so nice to be able to work, or even walk, in the yard garden without feeling someone is watching. Sometimes, there are birds watching and an occasional rabbit, but that's ok. I imagine we will spend many a relaxing moment outside and planning for the next season of color!

Hubby and I are both quite content here. It's only 4 km to work for him. I can see us being here until he gets promoted to another part of the country.



For those of you that have been kind enough to ask, I am safe. Thanks for asking.

The morning quake yesterday, near Seddon, merely woke up Hubby and me. Apparently, there were several quakes during the day.

Then about 5pm I feel the couch vibrating. Then the rocking chair started rocking and the wee wind chime that I had just hung inside the window started to sway.The shaking seemed like a looooong time--I know it was probably just 40 seconds or so, but it seemed so much longer!  And then it was over.  The quake itself is reported to have only lasted for 20 seconds.

Here's a map of the major fault lines in NZ. As you can see, I am not in the path of any, but I have felt a few over the last 7 years. The quake yesterday was the second time the earth couch moved for me :)

Even though Christchurch isn't sitting on top of any major faults, that's where the devastation was done in 2010. Some folks are still battling the insurance company and the government to be in a suitable house once again.


Happy dances all around

As I sit typing and watching to birds at the bird feeder in the front garden, it seems that lots of things are finally getting back to our normal routine now. There is no sign of the wind and rain that took out power lines about 20 minutes away yesterday. The sun is shining and the fireplace is just ticking along nicely as the sun streams through kitchen, living room lounge and study windows--something that couldn't happen at the last house. *happy dance*

My back is a lot better and I just have some dull aches left. But after three weeks, I am happy to be past the ordeal of anti-inflammatories and having to eat something and drink a large glass of water each time I took one. I have never been a breakfast person and I have to say that I resented having to eat when I wasn't really hungry three times a day. And, getting out of bed with a sore, hurting back three or four times a night was no fun either. Grrr. But, thank God that is in the past. *happy dance*

And, some more good news--I have decided to act a little bit more age appropriately from now on--I shall let someone else do the lifting and moving :) If you haven't gotten there yet, your turn will come!

Just yesterday we finally got the landline and internet sorted out. We had internet since the first week. It was slower than we wanted it to be, but I just chalked it up to being so far out in the boonies. We just assumed that the phone was installed as we hadn't given anyone the new number and had no reason to use it. But when, Hubby tried to call the doctor for me, we realized it wasn't connected. So, the next week, the duel began.

It all started out when the rental agent gave us the wrong house number. The property manager's drive cuts off the road just before our driveway, so they are 256 and we are 258. The first phone guy came out and connected us to the neighbor's internet and, when I corrected the house number, they thought it was the manager putting in a second line but they didn't have permission, so they didn't do anything. Duh.

So, I finally talked to Dave at TelstraClear (big shout out to Dave!) who spelled it out slowly for Vodafone (who just bought out TelstraClear) and Chorus (who subcontracts the work for Vodafone). Dave even called me on my cell to walk through Google maps with me to make sure he had the right directions to our house. (I love you, Dave!) The only bad thing about this conversation is that our internet was turned off for the weekend.

TelstraClear texted me that a tech would be out between 12 noon midday and 5pm, so I was watching for him all day yesterday. When I saw bits of a truck sticking out through the high hedge by the road, I went out to the porch and yelled through the rain, 'Are you the phone guy?' (I certainly couldn't let him drive away, could I?!!). He smiled as he walked up the drive and said, 'I just need to clarify your number.' so I explained it all again and voile we are hooked up with much faster internet. *happy dance*

I will post photos over at my photoblog when I get some better shots but Hubby and I have some cool photos including trains and cute birdies--plovers, chaffinches, and hawks, and those are mostly shots out the window! I love this place *happy dance*


I hate it when I realized I need my own advice

For those of you who don't know, I have a blog where I use my own photos and put quotes and inspirational sayings and scriptures on them. It's called Incidental Imagery and I mainly use it to practice editing my pictures with Picasa or Photoscape. They're just there if somebody needs to find them as they google on the internet.

I don't get many views or comments on that blog, but that's ok. (Actually, since I changed over to Google+ and more people get to see them, I'm getting a few more than I expected.)

One of the few post over there that have some comments lately is one that smacked me in the face today. It's this one--
'do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not'.

As you may know, I hurt my back while we were moving two weeks ago. It still has a ways to go to be healed but it's certainly better than it was. It hurts the most when I get up from laying down. That shouldn't be too much of a problem, but the meds I got from the doctor require large amounts of water and I have to get up 4 or 5 times a night. Not fun at all.

Needless to say, morning are pretty achy and I don't get around too fast, even with my walking cane that Hubby bought me last year.

This weekend I kinda lost it because we still have unpacked boxes everywhere and the closets are just stuffed with stuff to get them out of the way. All the things that are 'my' job are not done and I'm slower than molasses in January getting around the house and can't lift to boot. I just couldn't get things done.

And then it hit me. Duh. Do what you can when you can do it and it will all eventually come together. There's no reason to believe this is a permanent back problem--I just want it better NOW, but that's not gonna happen, so I just have to wait for God's timing to be healed.

I know there are many of my own bloggy friends who are going through much more than just a pulled back and I pray for them often. But, it's good to know that He cares about me, too, and any prayers would be appreciated.

For the record, we do have the basics together, like the bedroom and pots and pans and plates thanks to Hubby *kissy*. He cooks and does dishes, and he says he doesn't mind, so I just trust that it will be ok soon.

BTW, this is on top of a skin problem that has plagued me for almost a year.


new house, interrupted for a bit

We finally got moved and are starting to settle into the new country home. It's rented, but that's what we like--no huge responsibilities if we decide on a change of scenery. I think we both might just enjoy it here for a long while.

In the process, I majorly pulled my back muscles and immediately came to realize that I am not as young as I think I am. :( I went to the doctor and he gave me meds for inflammation and pain and, as of now, about 3 days into the happy pills, I don't think I have much pain. I do, however feel quite achy and I am still moving quite slowly.

I realize that this is a very temporary setback and things will be better soon, so I will stop whining because I know that there are many, many folks who are dealing with more permanent and more devastating things than my little aches and pains.

But, back to the house....There are some great scenes around here that I never saw in town.The farmland is so green with rolling hills and tree-lined ridges. I shall be happy to learn about a native hawk (that is technically called a harrier falcon) that has its territory in the immediate area. My first photo of him can be found on my photoblog. Just click here. There are also some water birds that are new to me that I hope I can shoot along with many birds I hope to lure to my feeders that Hubby put up for me.

There is a train track if the distance that carries products from Hubby's factory. I can hear it and see it from the back porch between the trees.

We have lots of sunlight into the house that we didn't have before. This house is out by itself so there's no other buildings blocking the sun--I'm so stoked about that!

We are working on the garden, too. Missy put my succulents into a corner of the back yard garden this weekend and we have more bulbs to plant when we figure out more about where the sunny spots are.

I can't wait to put our own touches on the place. Of course, I will post photos when I'm a bit better. But I'm still constantly thinking of what to put where. This might take a while!