
Huinga Tunnel

 Access to the end of Raupuha Road was not possible until 1883, when the Huinga tunnel was driven, following a trial drive. Not much is known about the actual building of this tunnel, although originally the roof and part of the lining was made of native timber; the sides being solid papa. A very unusual feature of the tunnel was the fact that it had large scrim timber doors at one end of the tunnel, to try and control the draught. A plaque was set in the wall of the tunnel to commemorate its completion, reading “Fitzgerald Aug. ‘95”.



St James church, Kerikeri

Bells of naval vessels were sometimes unhooked from the ship, upturned and used as christening fonts. A crew member who became a parent could ask the captain if the child could be christened on board when next the ship was in port. This bell is mounted near the porch of the historic St James Church in the Stone Store Basin in Kerikeri, inscribed with the on board christening of Susan Christina Jane Brown in Dunedin, 1955. The ceremony took place on the Royal New Zealand Navy ship "Black Prince" which was scrapped in the 1960s. The bell lives on at St James. Susan Brown was contacted, born in 1954 and her son Thomas, aged 27 was also christened at St James. https://ehive.com/collections/3354/objects/1220132/st-james-church-kerikeri-and-its-bell



 After Noah built the ark, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Day 41 came, and the rain stopped. 

After Moses committed murder, he hid in the desert for 40 years. Year 41 came, and God gave Moses a second chance—commissioning him to rescue Israel from slavery in Egypt. 

After the Exodus, the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Year 41 came, and a new generation entered the Promised Land. 

For 40 days, Goliath bullied Israel, just begging for someone to come fight him. Day 41 came, and David stepped up and slew the giant. 

For 40 days, Jonah delivered a message of doom and gloom to the city of Nineveh—that God was going to destroy them because of their wickedness. Day 41 came, and God changed his mind and instead extended mercy because the Ninevites had repented. 

After being baptized, Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days and was tempted by the devil. Day 41 came, the devil fled, angels showed up, and Jesus launched his monumental ministry. 

During the 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples on several occasions—proving to them that he was alive and breathing new life into them as he explained the Kingdom of God and commissioned them to build it. 

On day 41, after promising to send the Holy Spirit in his place, he ascended into heaven, leaving the disciples to carry out his plan for launching the church—a church that, by the way, is still prevailing against the gates of hell.