
nz oldest church

This church is on the Bay of Islands in the northern part of New Zealand, founded in 1836. As far as I know, it is still in use every Sunday. Click here for more information.


Good news about my Blogger problem

As I was going about my business commenting on Blogger with Firefox 
(instead of Chrome) I came across a page that told me 

'it seems you have third party cookies blocked'.

So I changed that one setting so I could continue. 

Of course, I was curious about Chrome and wondered if that could be my 
problem there.  I checked and, sure enough, all was well with 
my Google account using chrome again.

Weird. I have no idea why the setting would have changed, but I guess
that doesn't matter. What DOES matter is that I can comment
like usual. Yay.

I'm posting this just in case it could help someone else with the same problem.


Blogger sucks

I am not happy with Blogger at the moment.

I am signed into all my accounts, but Blogger doesn't 
recognize my account for comments.

Please know that I have read your posts and tried to comment.
I do hope this is cleared up soon.

**EDIT **
I have downloaded firefox and I can comment through that browser,
so there will be comments! YAY! 

But, Blogger still sucks.


parking meters

These sit along the sidewalk footpath in New Plymouth. I thought they added a bit of fun to the business area.