
uneven surface

Somehow, I think they could have come up with a different
sign to tell you that there are bumps in the road on major roads.

These from a park are much better and easier to 'decorate'! 


Lake Rotoiti Hot Spirngs

Our weekend included a trip to Lake Rotoiti Hot Springs.
[In Maori, 'roto' means lake and 'iti means little.]
 They are only accessible by boat or plane.

There are seven hot tubs fed from underground thermal springs.
 They get cooler from top to bottom.

Hubby went up to the lookout and took some photos.

The swans paid no attention to all the human goings-on!



 Sometimes, being left out is not a bad thing.

When I woke up and got some coffee, I settled down to see what was happening in the world while I slept. I was absolutely shocked to find out that we had slept through another earthquake felt in NZ! It was quite a ways off shore from the other side of the north island but people all over the country felt it.

There was no major damage, so after looking around online, I found that some people in Taranaki (where I live) felt it and others slept through it, too! 

Other than some concerned relative on social media, we weren't affected.


Date night at the theatre

Hubby took me to the movies at the King's Theatre in Stratford over the weekend and we were the
first to arrive. There was a total of 8 in the audience for the movie!

TET The King's Theater is supported by grants from the Taranaki Electric Trust.

Here are some old photos I found online.
