
July 4th, Kaponga style!

By the time you read this, I will have celebrated the Fourth of July and gone to bed. Yes, the tiny town of Kaponga, with a population of about 400, has an American Independence Day celebration each year.  As far as I know, I was the only American there, but they had lots of American cars and American music.

The temperature was 7C, which is about 44F (after all, it IS winter here) so we didn't stay long. I would have liked to see the fireworks, but not in the cold!

I'm hoping they might organize a weekend event next time so I can take some photos to share.


Pearl Maple said...

Happy Independence Day, we celebrate a little where we can too, have fun

my new blog is www.pearlmaple.com

Roan said...

Happy Independence Day! I've always loved the festivities associated with the 4th, especially the fireworks.

Marja said...

Cool that they celebrate it over there. I haven't noticed anything ere but probably withing the American community they do.
7C is not bad for us dutch. We get up to 20C minus in winter

Kebo said...

Hi Betty, thanks for your comment on my blog... i send you a lot of italian sun :-)
Have a nice weekend, Kebo

Dave said...

Happy independence day! I always figured this to be an American holiday only, that is really neat that they have a celebration. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Cynthia said...

I guess Americans have to celebrate wherever they are. And it's always a good excuse for fireworks! 44F is a bit chilly but it would not keep Minnesotans indoors. ;-)

Helen said...

happy independence day, they must all be celebrating in your honor was it good to see american cars so far from home

Aimz said...

wow that's really cool! envious

EG CameraGirl said...

How fascinating that the town celebrates American independence. Hmmm.

Jenny said...

Sounds like my kind of place!

Cool temps and not many people!