OK, so exercise is not my strong point. I have many excuses for not getting up off my butt more than I do--a few (ok, one) is even legit. But I can't ever see myself lifting weights. For some reason, it seems to me that laundry baskets and vacuum cleaners are heavy enough and I carry dishes and clothes a fair distance and in my world that constitutes lifting weight; ergo, exercise.
The other day I read about a gym in England that was trying to make weightlifting more 'interesting' and 'personal'. So, I looked at the picture of the 'weights'.....
and all I could think of was one of their faces in mine, screaming like a drill sergeant about how I should be doing more lifting, doing it faster, doing it better.... 
On the other hand, I have to give the 'weights' credit for supplying the demand this gym has created.
And, just in case you think I made this up, here is the actual article.
A British gym is trying to add human interest to otherwise dreary workouts by replacing traditional dumbbell weights with human ones.
The Gymbox chain gym in central London says fitness enthusiasts can now swap their usual lumps of metal for human beings in a range of shapes and sizes.
According to the gym's owner Richard Hilton, it's all about visualising strength.
"Creating a mental image or intention of what you want to happen or feel is proven to improve physical and psychological performance," he said in a statement. "The human weight lifting apparatus. . . is the ultimate embodiment of visualisation theory."
The human weights range from the "Dainty Dwarf" 32-year-old Arti Shah, who weighs just 30kg, up to the "Super Human" weight of 37-year-old – and 155kg – Matt Barnard.
I need to lie down.....
Oh my goodness! Now I have seen everything! I can't even imagine doing that!!!!!!! Lifting another person ... let alone a weight. Must be quite comical!
I was just stopping by to visit your blog since you stopped by mine the other day via BATW! : )
Ummm yeah. I'm so not getting anywhere near any of those people. It actually kinda skeeves me out a bit. I'll stick with my treadmill and such. This does remind me that I really ought to do some sort of strength training though.
And thanks so much for stopping by my blog yesterday on my SITS day. I had so much fun and am still wading through wonderful comments. I hope you enjoyed yourself and that you come back to visit soon!
Gosh! How bizarre! I love creativity, but I'd be so worried. What would happen if you dropped one of the human weights - or grabbed him in the wrong place?
Oh gosh! That's bizarre, but creative! I'd be so worried about dropping one of the human weights - or grabbing him in the wrong place...
That's hilarious! I'm afraid I would be laughing too hard to properly lift. If I ever got motivated to lift. Which doesn't seem likely. :)
Visiting from SITS.
Thanks for stopping by my blog on Monday!
Welcome to SITS. We are so happy to have you.
This was too funny. I really did LOL. I can't imagine trying to lift people. Thanks for the giggle
Wow, that's kind of crazy. Creative and hilarious, but no way in heck would I lift other people. lol
Welcome to SITS! I'm with the Welcome Wagon, and we're so glad to have you as part of the community! I've found so many fun blogs and amazing women through SITS.
Glad you're here!
Welcome to The Secret is in the Sauce! It's always fun to meet a new SITSta!:)
That is sooooo funny. There is no way I could do a workout lifting someone else--I'd either be laughing too hard or I'd drop them. Thanks for making me laugh today.:)
Kinda weird. Wonder if they get paid well to be the weight.
Welcome to SITS!
Welcome to SITS, Betty! It's a great site to meet new bloggers and to get some comment love sent your way!
This "real" weight concept is just too weird for me. I would hope they get paid quite well. What if the person dropped you?!
Welcoming you from the Welcome Wagon of SITS...:)
What a crazy article. I'd be all,
"DUDE, are you SURE your a dainty dwarf, cause you feel more like the skinny tall guy person?"
Me and exercise need to be reaquainted but not sure how my body feels about it. :)
Hope to see you around SITS :)
Ha! That is hilarious.
I'm the same way about exercise, however I recently discovered Hooping and it's awesome!
It seems like that could be very awkward!
Um, I still don't think that would motivate me. I'm actually quite scared.
"A" for effort though!
Welcome to SiTS!!!
Hilarious! Um, maybe not for me but still... rofl
I still think that just 'working' around the house is enough for me.
BTW, to the SITSahood.
That is way tooo funny yet, another reason that will keep me away from the gym. LOL
Coming over from SITS! Welcome and I am sure you will meet lots of great gals! I know, I have!
Hee hee hee! That's too funny! It sure would make my workouts more interesting!
Welcome to SITS! Have fun over there!
Dropping in from SITS...welcome!
This is so weird. I need motivation to keep excersing too but I don't think this will cut it for me! LOL!
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