
Amazing things

Today, Hubby and Otterboy and I went to Waitara so the guys could go fishing. I wandered off, as usual, to see what I could find to photograph.

As I was examining a tree stump on the beach, I looked out to the water and saw something go under the water. It seemed a bit far out to be any of the surfers, and as I waited for it to resurface, I noticed there were some fisher-guys watching the same area. They would break out in a short cheer occasionally, and I realized they were saying "Orca whale" as they pointed and cheered!

Yes, I was watching a small pod of whales make their way along the shore! It was incredible to see a few fins and white bellies break the surface, though it was impossible to get any photos.

There ended up about twenty on-lookers all watching and pointing, "there!" as they passed by. It was something I won't soon forget.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes getting photo robs you of the experiance to see the whole thing you are observing. I was so busy taking pictures at my son's concert that at the end I realized I have no idea about what he did as a whole. I wished I didn't take a photo and just enjoyed his performance. Same with the whales - you did the right thing - enjoyed the sight :)

Anonymous said...

What a great sight to see!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Now you are glad you came to New Zealand. What will you see next? Penquins?

Bitsa Lit said...

You are so lucky! The only time I saw an orca was in florida at sea world lol! You normally dont see them around here but we get lots of seals and porposes....sometimes sharks...