
Not something you see every day

In fact, it only happens once a year. It's the annual collect for the Salvation Army!

Volunteer firemen drive the trucks around town with the sirens blaring as people walk along and pick up the parcels that have been left by the mailboxes letterboxes. As we watched this truck go by, we actually saw cars slow down and hand bags of goods out their car window to the runners.

It kinda brings a little tear to your eye to see the smiles on the runners faces as they jog by.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Don't see this in Auckland either. There are many op shops though.

Aimz said...

This is a good idea, my husband is a volunteer fireman so I might mention it to him :-)

Blog Stalker said...

Very cool!

We need to remember those who are worse off than ouselves and lose ourselves in service. What an awesome experience for all involved.

Have a great day!

ChrisJ said...

I love that idea with the Salvation Army! My husband and his family used to be in the Savation Army many years ago. I came to you from "mykiwilifeinphotos" She is now living in my most favorite spot in the world: Flamborough Head, Yorkshire.

Marja said...

oh very good I love the sallies
I work opposite a salvation army shop They do heaps of good work