
Yarn Bomb

Every year, Taranaki hosts two concurrent 10-day Garden Festivals, usually starting the last weekend in October, when you can visit lovely gardens and see the spring colors. The original Taranaki Garden Festival was the first but, rumor has it that the entry prices were getting too high, so the Taranaki Fringe Festival came to be.

For the last few years, a town called Opunake (Oh-poo-nack-ee)  has hosted a Yarn Bomb party during this time where the main street is covered in knitting, crocheting and other crafty things!  Here are a few things we saw as we drove through :

                                    Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Now there's a novel idea!! How adorable and what a way to show off local talent!...:)jp

kiwikid said...

Great idea and everyone can enjoy. Our little town does that for Christmas.

kiwimeskreations said...

Fabulous montage Betty - I was down in new Plymouth for the start of the garden festival, but only got to one garden thanks to the weather - but I was with friends and we had a ball anyway!! I did see some signs for the fringe festival.
Stay safe

local alien said...

I would love to see a town which has been yarn bombed. Some creative ladies there!

Yvonne said...

I think it's fabulous how people come up with crazy new ideas. Looks like fun.

Aimz said...

I've seen the yarn bombing in places up here and in Tauranga where we use to live, it's very quirky

diane b said...

That is a fun idea. Warwick in QLD has a jumper and jazz festival which looks similar.

Tanza Erlambang said...

great and unique idea to have knitting to cover the main street...
thank you to share your lovely photos.

magiceye said...

The Yarn bomb fest is indeed unique and fascinating.