
Look what the cat dragged in

The family keeps trying to tell me that 'Bubba wuvs me' but I still have my doubts. They say the stuff he leaves outside is proof. He has killed birds and mice and left them in the driveway or the yard, but this time, he brought this HUGE rat into the house and dropped it about five feet behind me then waited for me to turn around and notice. YUCK!  I'm just glad it was very dead!

Don't you wish you were so wuvved?!!


Connie said...

At least it was a DEAD rat! :D Good to have a hunter cat. I am not sure about our new kittens yet - I think Ninja will be a hunter, as you should see her go after favorite bits of paper (ooh, the language she uses if a sibling tries to take it!) and the gleam she gets in her eye over my yarns is frightening(!) - but anyway, I like having a hunter cat, even if they are strictly indoor cats. Got a spider? Call the cat? Got a roach? Here kitty! And we have only ever had ONE rodent in all our time of living in places/apartments where rodents are abundant... and that one was dealt with by help of our elderly hunter cat.

Christina. Sweden said...

Just wanted to show you how capable he/she is,,, Cats have a wild side and dthere is nothing else but accept it. However ny cat comes with live mice inside to play with ...

Marja said...

Aaaarg I hate rats That't why we've got a cat in he first place.
There is a stream beside our house so we get rats as well. Our cat nicely kills them bit luckily doesn't bring them inside. better a dead rat than a live one though

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

May I borrow Bubba?

In July when I went to Singapore and Borneo, a pack of notorious rats can and ruin my home, from clothes in in wardrobe to food in the pantry.

I tried snap traps, they didn't work. so I had to poison them.

You know what the New Zealanders tell me, the rats like the volcanic rocks. That's the best place for them. When it is cold, they come into your house.

Deb said...

EEEEKKKKKKK I can't stand rodents alive or dead...

Aimz said...

ewww oh well at least the cat's doing his/her job

chrome3d said...

Cats are so proud to give catches to you and now you must be proud too to show it to us!

Juli said...

Yuck! NZ is overrun with rats, and I hate 'em.

Heather said...

I just found your blog and love it. I saw this post and coincidentally I just wrote a similar one on my blog this week! Thought you would enjoy: www.americannzadventures.blogspot.com . Gotta love our cats!