
Name this plant!

We have a few of these plants growing in the garden. They first got my attention because the leaves grew at 90-degree angles. 
They have grown into this and one has little round balls growing on them. I thought they might bloom, but so far, no blossoms.
Do any of my garden savvy friends know what this plant is?

**Edit**Thanks to Merinz who identified it as Euphorbia lathyris.


~Cheryl said...

I love it! My mom does the same thing; wait and see what it will become. Maybe you get your answer; maybe you get more questions! The leaves popping out at 90 degrees are interesting indeed, and it's healthy!

merinz said...

It looks a bit like a euphorbia to me. They usually have a flower head with lime green flowers.

The flower heads are usually more compact, your flower head is a bit more 'stalky' than usual as if the plant is growing in a shady position.

They self seed very readily and I have them popping up all over the place. They can grow quite tall.

The South African Kiwis said...

Haven't got a clue, but it looks promising...

Belle said...

I think its name is Harold.

KB said...

I have no idea. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

chitra said...

I haven't seen anything like this. May be, I would wait for an answer or for the blooms.

Desiree said...

Cannot give any helpful answers to the question posed, although I think I might recognise the leaves...my guess is maybe lisianthus? If so, you're in for a real treat! They are superbly long lasting flowers for the vase ;)

Anyway, I'm actually here to return your visit to my blog! Thanks so much for popping by & leaving your message :) You've piqued my interest especially now I see where you're from! I have an aunt who emigrated to NZ (Auckland area) from Zimbabwe via a few years un the UK. She went to be with her daughter.

Going to be a treat visiting you and feasting on all the eye candy you have to share!

Beverly said...

Swinging by on the hop! I am so excited to participate in this - it's my first time! Stop by The Wormhole Happy Reading!

XmasDolly said...

Hi I'm the featured Blogger over at Follow Friday 40 & over that my wonderful friend Java is hosting, and where I found you. I'm your latest follower. Nice to meet you. Happy New Year to you, and yours. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could help, but I have no idea. I like Belle's answer.

Thanks for dropping by The Cul-de-sac Chronicles. I'm glad I found you.

Happy New Year!

Bella Rum

Doreen McGettigan said...

Hello; I am a new visitor and follower from FF. When I grow up I plan to know what every plant is...
Happy New Year to You!!