
Ski field at Stratford

We took a hike part way up the mountain following the trail to the ski field.
This is the ski field...the light green part. 

Yes, people hike for about 30 minutes up a trail (with equipment in hand) used by the DOC (Dept of Conservation) to here, where they put their skis and stuff on the cable car.

Then, they go through this tunnel (which is an avalanche shelter)...

...down, across the gully, up the other side (you can see the railing in the shot below)...

...to get to the lodge to ski.
 It seems like a whole lot of work to me but it must be worth it.


Linda said...

Looks very pretty up there...it is snowboarding time around here...my sons and their friends are crazy for the sport and since we live so close they stay here. Are you getting all the rain I've heard about?

And Then Kate said...

My, but is it gorgeous up there. However, Super-Duper Athlete that I am not, I think I will continue to enjoy the view from your blog, rather than drive and hike and tunnel and GOOD GOD WHAT ARE THEY THINKING THE HARDY FOOLS.

Lila said...

Your photos are wonderful. we moved to a tiny island near you...Rarotonga. We were there for about a year before being kicked out and having to return to the states. We always thought we would visit New Zealand before we left but alas never did.
Following you from over 40 blog hop. Hope to see you around.

Glennis said...

Although I can appreciate the beauty of the surroundings there is no way I could be bother climbing way up there clutching ski equipment! Enjoyed your post!
Cape Jackson is a VERY isolated part of the country its about the tip on the South Island and short of hiring someone to take you there it is beyond your reach I think. This is the first time I have ever seen it though I have spent all my life going down the Sounds even worked on a big trawler fishing boat for a while and didn't see it. My Brother took us out there in his boat only because it was incredibly calm that day normally it is a wind swept extremely rough dangerous place.
maybe we might see each other when your here, if you wanted.
I have only ever met one blogger before.

Unknown said...

nice post...sharing information ralated to skiing
New Zealand Skiing