
Back beach, the prelude

For those of you that have seen my photos of back beach in my other blog I guess I should explain why it was a special place for our anniversary.

When Hubby and I were corresponding via internet across the Pacific Ocean, he surprised me with the following photo.

(Yes, for those of you that are romantics at heart, like me, you can say it all together now....'awwwwwwwwwwwww!')

He called himself Naki on the forum we met on...hence, the name.

Yes, it was quite a surprise to get such a sweet gesture! And, it's so neat and tidy, too, so he got extra points for that. Those footprints are size 14's so you can imagine the size of his message.

It was at Back Beach where he carried out this bit of romantic stuff, so it was one of the first places I wanted to see when we got to Taranaki.

It will always be special because it helped him win my heart across the waters.

I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic. So, sue me.


Marja said...

awwwwwww I would fall for that. So you met through the internet. That's interesting and you got a beautiful country as a bonus. When yo ever come to the South Island come and visit It is beautiful around here as well

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm a sap. I love it! Life needs more romantics and romantic gestures.

Anonymous said...

wow! it's like something out of a movie! so glad i found your blogs, very uplifting and cool.

LadyFi said...

Awwwwwwwww! What a gorgeously romantic photo!

Anonymous said...

sooooooooo romantic...

love it..

Joe Todd said...

I might be able to use that idea some day Thanks

Ellie said...

Dear Bettyl! I enjoy your posts very much and I would like to pass to you a little award called Blog de Ouro. You can pick it at my site - my name is a link to it.

Saffers in NZ said...

very cute!!

Unknown said...

Awwwwww what a great post- it lifts my heart to see.

Pearl Maple said...

Too sweet, you lucky girl.

Your photo collection from NZ are really impressive, thanks for sharing peeks into this beautiful part of the world.